Monday, May 17, 2010


With me and Maia alternating weekends of visitation, Mondays have become either an early trip down the NE Corridor or an early morning seeing Maia off. Today was the former, although I caught a later train than usual. It was still an early morning though and hectic as always.

I took the rain as a sign that I shouldn't ride today. I did check out the gym after work, though. This is possibly the worst time of day to go; I even had to wait in line for a locker. But I'm glad I went nonetheless. Short intervals on the rower, a brief stair climbing session and some weights. Got my money's worth in less than 1:20. I seriously contemplated hopping on the treadmill. Not today. When it's time, I think I'll know it.

I spent yesterday afternoon riding around Philly with Maia and some friends. Got a chance to pick Lou's brain about his training (he recently returned to bike racing) and fantasized that maybe someday I would contemplate joining him. That's a lot of maybes.

The weather was perfect and my legs are feeling pretty good after Saturday's excursion. I have some soreness in the knees and right achilles, but this is par for the course for me when I'm riding a lot.

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