Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Winding Down

Just kind of taking it easy this week, both on the bike and on the keyboard. Monday was a slog through the rain up the CCT, Tuesday was a 35 min (4 miles or so) treadmill run followed by yoga for a change. I'm making progress with my foot, but it's not quite comfortable yet. Today was an easy 20-mile ride before work. Feeling light and quick and I'm really looking forward to the long ride on Saturday. I'm not sure what to expect, but I know one thing and that's that I'm sure it'll play out a bit different than I imagine.

I may run tomorrow morning depending on how I feel (my hammies are kind of sore from yoga) and how much sleep I can muster tonight. Friday will be an easy CCT commute and I'll probably check in again after the century on Saturday.

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