Sunday, January 23, 2011


Seems as if checking in here has become a weekly thing at best. I'm OK with that for now. The running has been sporadic and labored this week as the right calf issue crept back into the picture. Monday I rested but the following day I picked up the pace on a planned 6-miler and felt a twinge that has made things challenging since. Tried to run each day since, some days made it a few miles, others not. Like today, I shut it down after a mere 1/2-mile not because of the severity of the discomfort per se, but more that it just seems a less active approach to recovering from this will be called for. I've dwelled enough in my own head on this topic all week, and feel there are better ways to spend my energy than to further ruminate on it here. I'll try running again on Wednesday and play it by ear.

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