Saturday, May 21, 2011

Four Months

That's about how long ago I updated this thing. I've been busy.

If the marathon on June 18 is anything like today's 20-miler, then it certainly won't be the most pleasant experience. The "shin splints" in my left leg ease up after a few miles, although I've had a couple of flare ups in the past few months that have forced me to rest (or substitute a bike ride). Some new prescription orthotics are helping, although I suspect the discomfort will be with me through the opening miles of Grandma's. And of course this relegates all my shorter runs to mostly uncomfortable.

The long and short of it is that I'm getting in some miles, trying to focus the effort where it counts, which for me is the long run. It's a process of continual learning and challenging my expectations (for better or worse). A game of calculated risks, of assessing the possible outcomes and making the best of a handful of what are often tough choices. On numerous occasions I've come inches from giving up the whole thing. The challenge is that I'm so close, yet seemingly so far. A month seems like an instant and an eternity at the same time.

This morning I was aiming at 17-20 miles and had a definite 17-mile course planned. Anything beyond 17 was improv and by that point I just decided I'd stretch it out to 2:40 and see what that was worth. Today it bought me just over 20 miles, good enough for a sub-8 average pace. That's certainly much better than I expected and though I'm feeling a little beat up, I don't feel terrible and it's just a little more incentive to hang on til June. Looking at my splits, it seems I started around 8:15/mile and averaged 7:40s for the last 10 miles. Not too shabby, in retrospect of course.

Catch you next time, whenever that may be.