Thursday, December 16, 2010


Slept through my alarm this morning. Still had time to run though. Almost 6 miles on a Bethesda neighborhood loop in 43:39. Great energy, left foot got a little stiff. By now I'm mostly certain this isn't a stress fracture as I once feared. It seems to happen on the more pounding routes I do. Today's featured lots of ups and downs. The downs seem especially hard on the feet. But my lower legs in general seem to be handling this pounding better each week that goes by so I think it's only a matter of time til the foot woes are past. The calf exercises seem to be helping although I've slacked on them a little this week.

It's only Thursday and I've already tallied over 30 miles. If the week were over today I'd still be satisfied with this number, so it's a good enough reason to take tomorrow off and go easy on Saturday.

My dad called me today to ask if I'd signed up for Grandma's in June 2011. I'm back and forth about it because at the rate I'm building mileage I'm afraid I won't be able to hit the long runs required. But that's where I'm at, and I'm coming to terms with that. Worst case is that I register, decide not to run, and spend the weekend in Duluth spectating and visiting with my grandfather. Doesn't seem so bad if you ask me.

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