Thursday, June 9, 2011

In Sight

I was reflecting on my lack of reflection over dinner last night. It's something I miss in many ways more than consciously. I'll really be looking to establish a regular pattern here following this final push to the 18th.

I've managed to hold things together over the past few weeks. I drove the nails into the coffin of my final long run with confidence. Turned out to be about 23 or 24 miles in about 3:20, run on trails around a remote lake in West Virginia (hence the estimated mileage).

I've been tapering down since, with a 15-miler last weekend and a 10-12 miler scheduled for this coming weekend. The taper sucks. I'm at the point where I want to be lined up on the starting line and it feels like time continues to slow the closer I get. Almost there...

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