Thursday, December 8, 2011


This has tended to be a busy time of year for me, with both holiday and work travel coinciding with an already pretty tight schedule.  Had some great runs out west following Thanksgiving, including one very memorable trek up Squaw Pass Rd to an elevation of about 9200'.  Will be helpful to remember in the future that running uphill requires an eventual run back downhill.  Surprisingly, didn't really beat me up too much.

Since, been grabbing runs between 3 and 10 miles where I can find time.  Feet are feeling stronger but still stiff in the mornings.  Been getting weeks in the 40 mile range and looking to continue that going into the new year.  Diet experiment has been enlightening in many ways and still learning about foods my body does well with (and the opposite extreme, wheat be damned).

Brainstorming ways I can recharge this blog.  More on that next time.

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