Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Short Week

Spent Saturday through Tuesday morning in Rehoboth for Maia's birthday. Absolutely necessary and well appreciated break from reality. Did some ocean swimming but nothing too strenuous.

Returning to work after a break never quite feels as good as I expect it will. I was conscious of that at the gym this morning during a weight session. Just felt like I was dragging a bit. I felt better as the day went on and followed through with my plans to take a swim after work. I never really enjoy PM workouts unless it's a run or a ride but I'm glad I fit it in today.

I picked up a few tips on drills from this website. I'm not sure why I haven't done any of these before but I have to confess that I learned more in the pool in one hour today than I have in the past month. Maybe things are starting to click but I really noticed that my sense of balance in the water is improving which makes things more fluid. I had a blast and I'm looking forward to more in the coming weeks.

Just read an interesting article on barefoot running, written by this guy. Anton's blog is one that I like to check up on now and again. He espouses a minimalist approach that I can relate to and appreciate. And he's an amazing athlete and talented writer, in my opinion. I've got mixed opinions on barefoot running and tend to agree that it's more a tool for personal exploration than a running ideal.

Looking forward to an extended commute into work tomorrow after nearly a week off my bike.

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