Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blues in PF Minor

A doctor explained to me once that the healing process is kind of like an upward rising sine wave (think of the rolling hills approaching a mountain peak). There are ups and downs but the overall trend is upward toward the peak.

This weekend was a valley. Somewhat of a deep one, reminiscent of months past. The long and short of it is that things felt pretty crappy on Friday throughout the day, enough so that I had hesitations about a run on Saturday. Then I forgot to put my sock on before falling asleep Friday night and to my surprise my right foot felt worse on Saturday morning than it has in weeks. So I bagged the idea of a Saturday morning run.

And since, I've decided to change my focus for another short period. Not exactly sure what this entails, but probably a return to cycling to work (I haven't ridden for most of March in anticipation of an increase in running), some swimming, and revisiting some hip and core strengthening I've done over the past 15 months or so. And of course, there is climbing, where I've made some pretty decent gains and hope to continue that trend.

Today I picked up a used pair of platform pedals to replace the fancy Shimano SPDs that I've used for the past couple years. The cycling shoes seem to irritate my achilles (rigid sole = stress is transferred directly to my heel instead of being dissipated in the elastic tissue of the sole of my foot...just a theory) and result in tight calves. I've also thought about adjusting the cleat position, but I've always preferred to ride in sneakers and I'm not sure why it's taken so long to return to toeclips and straps.

Steady rains are predicted for the next couple days so it looks like it'll be the gym until Wednesday. The weather is supposed to be amazing later this week so I should be able to get some pretty good rides in. By the end of the week I hope to have more of a concrete idea of what my plans will be over the next few months. I don't have a whole lot to lose by extending my running hiatus just a bit longer, so I'm thinking 4 weeks from now is a reasonable goal date to reassess.

Hearing my crying and moaning, MM has begun to refer to my PF as the Fascist Plantars. I can't agree with her more.

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