Thursday, November 3, 2011

Test Runs

Here I find myself in a transitional phase again, and given that I haven't really been running, entries here feel a little awkward.  There have also been logistical challenges that have always been there, such as finding an appropriate time to post, that seem more pronounced now that there is not a convenient format such as summarizing my runs or divulging my weekly mileage.

When things are in flux for me, they tend to be in flux, and I often combat the feeling of helplessness that occasionally accompanies these periods by engaging myself in alternative interests.  For now this feels refreshing, like I've been able to explore some ideas I've been toying around with but haven't been able to invest in due to the pressure of getting daily runs in.

The biggest things have been nutrition and conceptualizing my training strategies, in addition to reacquainting myself with music and some other hobbies of mine.  Regarding the former, I've never been a die-hard believer in anything resembling a fad, but I admit I've been toying around with a Paleo-esque nutrition scheme, and even picked up some reading relevant to endurance athletes.  I've come across Friel before and if he thinks something like this is worthwhile, I'll at least entertain the idea.  Over the past few years a GI issue has surfaced for me that is sometimes associated with gluten intolerance, and while I've never considered a wheat-free diet, it seems like a logical step to try and mitigate some of the symptoms.  And regarding carbs and energy as they relate to endurance training, I've recently discovered that many of the old standby's that many runners fall back on here, such as consuming gels and supplements, are just unnecessary for me.  In all the hundreds of miles I put in leading up to MCM, I only consumed one gel.  Those hundred calories of sugar were strategic, and I think they should be by default as opposed to something I just do every few miles in a long run.  The diet thing will be something I continue to explore and report back on here.  It's been about 10 days, and so far so good, but I've realized that I'll need to consume MASSIVE amounts of vegetables and supplement with more fruits than would otherwise be promoted by cavemen types in order to get enough calories.  But I'm not a caveman, and I don't aspire to that, so I'll continue with whatever works for me.

Training?  I'm thinking long term.  This break is refreshing, but I want to get to the point where I don't need to interrupt long stretches of running because of injuries (that is, after all, the only reason I haven't been running lately).  I've done much better in this regard over the past year, and things feel like they continue to improve as I learn more, but there's still progress to be made.  I'd like to establish a regular circuit of races, where I'm not feeling pressure necessarily to peak for one event, but rather implement them as training and "fun."  In a way, it's also a way to integrate my running identity, which is something that perhaps I haven't always been open to for one reason or another.  This weekend is the Jug Bay 10k, and I've been considering showing up on a whim (there's also a 5k) but that's mostly a matter of how my leg feels.  It's improved a ton over the past week.  I'm off to the gym now, and we'll give it a test run.

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