Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rainy Day at the Gym

Different kind of a Saturday.  Rainy, so headed to the gym for an hour or so brisk walking on the treadmill followed by some lifting.  Typical barrage of squats, presses, lunges, etc.  Light weights to start out.  Legs, and especially feet and ankles, are feeling good.  All this walking around lately seems to be a great way to recover from hard training.

While my body is resting my mind remains fixated on running.  To fuel the fire I picked up some new books, and am beginning with Matt Fitzgerald's "Run: The Mind-body Method of Running by Feel."  Feels appropriate for where I'm at.  I'm concerned about the somewhat apologetic tone of the opening pages (Fitzgerald admits that as he continues to grow and learn, his opinions change regarding training) but on the other hand I kind of appreciate his candidness.  Somewhat representative of the process he's trying to explain.  But a book about growth and change might be frustrating if this approach develops between the front and back covers of the book itself.

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