Thursday, May 13, 2010

You Will Sleep Well at Night

Fortune cookie I had for lunch. Got my fingers crossed.

Low key ride up the CCT to Bethesda this morning. The spinning was still a bit viscous today and this will factor into my weekend plans. If it persists, I may revisit the Patunxent loop I blazed at the beginning of the month. This will keep the mileage down a bit. If I'm feeling good I'll go the opposite direction, out toward Poolesville again, expanding upon last weekend's ride..

While the riding was slow, I did find the energy for some lifting after my commute. Basic stuff, adding a little weight here and there. During squats and deadlifts my low back is clearly the weakest link, and I'm hoping these biweekly sessions will help me improve there. I haven't been at it much more than a month but I'm already noting improvements. Mostly in terms of reduced discomfort after sitting for a few hours, or feeling less of a strain bending over to pick something up.

A brief status check on my various ailments. The hand is feeling good. Still a little tender here and there but on the mend. My feet (notably the right) have improved even more. They feel great during the day but I'm hesitant to try and run until I can get out of bed in the morning without stiffness in the heels. Prospects are good for a mid-June test run, but I'm not setting any expectations.

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