Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Come What May

Family stayed in town until this morning, but they were at a conference Monday which meant I went to work.  Ran 8.3 miles there (69 min) and 7 miles back (54 min) and was pretty mushy at happy hour with the sisters-in-law.  Opted out of the local bar tour after dinner and instead plopped my tired ass in bed.  Neither of these runs were all that fun, but each had its moments where I felt kind of decent.

Slept in on Tuesday, and although I thought I'd sneak a run in during the afternoon, I ended up cruising around the mall on my bike with the fam all day.  Pretty fun day and probably needed the break.

Not sure I believed I would actually get a run in this morning.  Just feeling the miles lately and this leads to a whole cascade of other thoughts and feelings that for the past couple days has ended in me feeling sorry for myself.  I've been diligently seeking a bigger picture focus that is sometimes so hard to grasp.  It seems one of those times happens to be during the final weeks of a tough training cycle.  I did make it out though, and I felt better for having done so.  Commuted to work the long way, 13 miles in 1:41:36.  Actually felt pretty good out there today.  On the C&O Canal Trail, another runner came up alongside me and we ended up chatting a bit.  She's training for MCM, hoping to break 3 hours, and I told her my only benchmark was a crash and burn at Grandma's in June.

It's got me thinking.  Tomorrow is a planned track day with a pacing focus, and we'll see what comes of that.

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