Thursday, October 6, 2011

One step forward...

Hit the track this morning.

Descending ladder (2000-1600-800-400) with moderate long recoveries (2000) in between.  Fast intervals and recoveries went like this (pace/mile in parentheses):

7:49 (6:17) / 8:36 (6:55)
6:09 (6:11) / 8:37 (6:56)
2:58 (5:58) / 8:42 (7:00)
1:26 (5:46) / 8:42 (7:00)

I didn't quite hit my target of 8:45/2000 on the recoveries, and the first recovery lap was always slower than the remaining four.  Still, solid workout and I'm satisfied with how it went.  The recoveries weren't all that challenging but clearly the faster intervals impacted the latter times.  I chose 8:45 (7:02/mile) based on feedback I've been getting that suggests I might be able to hold that pace over a long distance (i.e. marathon).  Not sure today is the best indicator, but it gives me a sense of my overall fitness at least.  12 mi, 1:27:56.

Took a step forward today, but looks like that was followed by a few steps back.  Some irritation I've had inside my right calf/shin was markedly intensified after running today.  It's a crappy reality but I'm not comfortable continuing with this until it feels better at rest (hurts to walk right now).  Today's run was a gamble, and it seems the odds weren't in my favor.  I have 23 days until the marathon, and most of the work has been done.  So, not ideal, but hoping this clears up fast and I can get back in time for a proper taper.

1 comment:

seebo said...

Look forward to an update here. Hope the leg problems are doing better.

I haven't seen a track workout structured with "recoveries" like that. Intriguing idea; might try something like that if/when I get back to the track.