Monday, September 6, 2010

77 for Labor

I've been riding (and even running a little!), just haven't been blogging. Lots of travel, work, adventures, not so much sleep.

Looking over the past few posts, I realize that here I sound almost a bit bored. This is definitely not the case, but I have felt as if I don't have any solid long-term goals. More on that in a minute.

I found myself in Vermont over the weekend to attend a friend's wedding. I ended up having a lot of free time, so I explored some state parks while I was there. Ended up doing a bit of trail running and hiking, which came somewhat unexpectedly. The urge to push through my comfort zone (which over the past year has consisted largely of not running) overwhelmed the restraint I've been exercising, and I wound up with three runs in three days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

My favorite was a steep ascent of Cannon Mountain in Franconia Notch State Park, NH. A lot of hiking mixed in because of the technical terrain. If I had to guess, I'd say I ran maybe half of the 5 or 6 mile loop. There was something like 2000 ft of vertical rise and descent, but the view from the top was well worth it. The foot has held up OK, but I'm still hesitant about making any judgments from all this. To be honest, my quads are more sore than my feet, which is maybe a good sign, in a warped kind of way?

Yesterday's quad-pounding didn't keep me completing my planned bike ride today. Last Saturday I did 60 miles in the suburbs west of Philadelphia (think north of Rte. 30). So today I figured I would push it a little further, aiming at around 80. The ride was mostly spectacular, although I'm adding some enthusiasm post-ride that I definitely didn't have in the midst of the wind and heat. It was remarkably windy, and this had two general effects; the first of which made me wish I had more water, and the second of which had me cursing the wind and various inanimate objects. I wound up with 77 in about 4:16. Long ass ride, and HOT! I don't feel like mapping it, but it was similar to this. I was 8 pounds lighter on return. The hills on River Rd. are SO epically challenging after working all the way out to Poolesville. Mostly mental. And I don't understand how McArthur Blvd can be uphill the whole way back to DC when the Potomac runs toward the city. Maybe it just felt that way.

I have no specific plans to up the ante in the track and field game until after my century. For that, I've decided that I'm either going to ride my fixie, or ride as fast as I can for the 100 flat miles. I have been toying with the idea of just up and registering for next year's Grandma's Marathon (June) to ignite the charcoal under my rump. But I'll have to see how the next few weeks go. Happy Labor Day.

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