Sunday, September 12, 2010

Right Where Old Becomes New (Soggy 60)

Often times I find myself thinking, on runs or rides, about what I'll post when I report here. It's an interesting duality, the interplay between present and retrospect. Almost as if the experience is filtered through this narrative medium, where I'm searching for a spin, or simply taking mental notes that I want to remember.

The title of this post is one I'd intended to publish a couple of weekends ago on a ride through the western suburbs of Philadelphia. It refers to a point along the route where Old Gulph Rd. becomes New Gulph Rd. The symbolism was apparent both in the moment as I transitioned into a mental "phase" of my ride, as well as in the broader spectrum of things. I was overcome by a notion that things are changing, physically, mentally, spiritually; but that it's really more of a revisiting of familiar cycles. Which, of course, highlights one of the many reasons I love doing this, whatever "this" is. Training, or just simply surmounting small challenges and trying to do it better the next time.

All of this cogitation aside, I also had a great weekend. I have less time to ramble on about it than I'd like, but that'll keep this from getting too long.

Yesterday I traced a similar version of the aforementioned route, west of Philly, through the hills of the Main Line. These hills are tough, unforgiving, and surprisingly difficult for such an East Coast locale. But they were easier this time than the last. 58 miles in 3:23.

This morning I thought I'd do about 45, avoiding the hills for a steadier ride. It was raining, which always adds an element of excitement. I stuck to the flat and straight path along the Schuylkill River I've come to know so well, and took the westward leg of the trip pretty hard. The rain stopped when I got to Valley Forge, and I headed off on a short circuit around the park to round out the mileage. I got lost and wound up with more hills and miles than I bargained for, racking up 60 even by the time I was done. I couldn't quite match the pace along the VF trail I set on the way out, and the confusion in the hills prior led me to neglect my nutrition. This slowed me down further, but some focused breathing and a couple gels seemed to patch up my leaky sails. On the way back through town I stopped by the vendor area for some Bicycle Coalition of Philadelphia event and visited with some friends. I don't recall the total time for today, but it was slightly quicker than yesterday.

To my surprise and excitement I've discovered that St. Mary's City is within a 4-5 hr ride from DC. I have to be at a wedding down there on Friday and Saturday. Looks like I'll be taking the two wheel express, to and from.

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