Friday, September 10, 2010


The mornings have been refreshingly cool and the cycling has been voluminous.

It's become much more manageable to get a couple of hours in before work, especially when it's incorporated into my commute. I took direct routes to and from work Tuesday for 20. Wednesday it was 30 in the AM, 36 total. Yesterday it was 37 in the AM, 48 total.

Today is another direct to/from, although I haven't ridden home yet and I'm considering taking the scenic route. I really didn't fully recover from Monday's long hot journey until today.

I haven't exactly done the best job tallying my weekly miles, but, based on this week already, they've been in the range of 175-225. I'll probably max out around 250 before winding down for the century on October 9. I like that there hasn't been a focus on achieving a weekly mark. I've just been trying to get in as many miles as my schedule will allow. This seems to be working pretty well. For now.

I feel as though I'm still in this perpetual state of flux, even though a couple of months ago I thought I'd be adhering to a "plan." I suppose this is further augmented by the non-linearity of my running of late. I haven't done any of that biped stuff since Sunday. And because I have a double-header this weekend (two long rides) I doubt I'll get around to it then either. Maybe Monday?

I'm looking forward to October 10 for a couple of reasons. Maia will finally have moved to DC permanently (after a year of us bouncing back-and-forth between here and Philly). Secondly, I'll have the fresh opportunity to reassess my goals, and set some new ones.

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