Monday, September 27, 2010

Makeup Run

Woke up around 5:15, put a kettle on the stove, and began contemplating my morning. I glanced out the front window, trying to get a gauge on the precipitation. Seemed like a light sprinkle. Bike long? Or run short then bike short?

I decided on the former. Heck, the rain looked light enough to bear, and I'm still fixated on keeping my mileage up for the week. So on with the rain jacket, off with the sneakers.

One of the very nice things about riding in the rain is the dearth of other riders and runners on the multi-use trails. And to boot, everyone who is out seems to have a heightened sense of awareness. Not a judgment necessarily as much as an observation.

Anyhow, the rain came down for about 30 min, long enough to place me solidly south of Arlington. My legs felt fresh and I was loving the ride. Just as I stopped to refill my bottles in Bethesda, however, a downpour washed away my hopes of continuing on for the 23-mile extension I blazed last Thursday. It's one thing to ride on trails in the rain, but the heavy traffic on the roads seemed too risky. I called it a morning at 28 miles, 1:35.

At about 7 pm, after riding down the hill from Bethesda, I laced up the sneaks and got out for a jog. The right foot was a bit stiff for the first couple of minutes but loosened up eventually. It's a weird sensation, and I'm wondering if it's really only PF that ails me. I recall this same feeling when I had a stress fracture in my left foot. Eventually it just went away without me noticing.

Didn't run more than a couple miles, maybe 2.5. Short and sweet, just cruising along at the pace my body dictated. This seems right for now, especially since I don't want to dash my chances at getting back into marathon shape for next spring. Right now, as far as running goes, slow and steady wins the race. The buildup will happen on it's own as long as I let it.

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