Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Creature of Habit

I've been pondering this renewed habit of mine. Tossing questions around on the run, such as what compels me to be out here in the cold darkness, many times against my more natural inclinations. The line between habit and addiction seems in fact quite thin. There is a strong tendency to associate running with general health, but it's my experience that there are plenty of runners out there who are not prime models of well being. Between overeating and compulsive exercise, a parallel can almost be drawn between such a lifestyle and say, that of an alcoholic or chronic gambler. I even knew of an ultra-runner who would have three or four cigarettes on a 100-mile run to calm his nerves. That's delusional, but then addicts often are.

Speaking of habits, it seems I'm falling behind in my updates. Time is at a premium for me lately, and it's unfortunate that this just seems to be one of those things that gets squeezed out of my schedule. I've been consistent with the running though.

Sunday I took a relaxed jog around the neigborhood with Maia. I extended the loop after Maia finished, giving me 4.6 miles in 45:30. Followed up with some strength exercises.

Yesterday it was an easy treadmill run after riding into Bethesda. 3.6 miles, 30:44.

This morning I thought I'd revisit a route I traced last week. I tweaked it a little, adding some distance and avoiding some busier streets. It's a nice loop, and I'm glad to add it to my collection. 5.8 miles, 43:40. Again followed up with 15 min of light strength at the gym.

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