Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Frost

It's been an exhausting few weeks at work and it's been all I can do to check in here every few days. I've had lots on my mind and unfortunately not enough time to spell it out. Looks like things won't clear up until around Thanksgiving, and possibly through December. If nervous energy translated to physical strength, I'd be jogging here to Vancouver and back every day.

Not that I think exercise doesn't provide stress relief. It's just that if you burn the candle at both ends sooner or later you're all wick and no flame.

This being said, things are going relatively well. Saturday was a 20-mile ride along the northern crescent loop after meddling around with the Rally to Restore Sanity business. I haven't been riding a whole lot and it showed in that my biking legs were in full form, bringing me round the loop in about 1:03.

Sunday was another work day in Bethesda and I ran the CCT as has been the custom for the past few weeks. This was the first time in recent past that I really felt myself having to hang on to an effort, and I think this is more about establishing boundaries than getting a good workout. Just over 8 miles, 56:38. I'm approaching the 1-hr mark, a benchmark of sorts that I easily would have hit had I slowed down a little. Good run, left me pretty tuckered.

Monday I attempted to run before work but I got merely a few steps before turning right back around. I hadn't slept very well, it was very early, and I felt a little nauseous. Reserved the right to redeem myself later, which I did on the treadmill during a break from a LONG work day. 3.5 miles, 30:14. Felt much better afterward.

This morning I saw frost on a few windshields on my bike into Bethesda. I opted for shorts and a tee and my arms got a little numb during my run along the CCT. Anais Mitchell's Hadestown provided an excellent soundtrack for the mostly moonlit run. 4.5 miles, 36:20. Ended up in front of the gym for a bit of core work. Now another long day and hopefully I can get some sleep tonight.

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