Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

It's been kind of an interesting week so far. After Sunday's longer run I took it easy on Monday with a 4-miler on the treadmill, 34 minutes. Followed it up with some strength and balance exercises.

Totally tweaked my neck at the rock gym that same evening. A strained reach, an audible pop, and all of the sudden my neck and upper back seizes up. I've awoken in the past with a stiff neck, but it's never quite happened acutely like this before and I was really worried I'd seriously injured myself. After a few days it's feeling much better.

Tuesday I took the CCT route to work and enjoyed a different perspective as most of the leaves have fallen by now. The numerous deer that frequent this area are now much more vulnerable to my gaze. My 5-mile time trial (portion between C&O Canal Trail interchange and Bethesda) ticked by in about 15:20, about 15 seconds off my PB for that stretch. Not bad for not having ridden seriously in almost two months.

Yesterday I took a jaunt around my parents' house as Maia and I are here visiting for a few days. I always romanticize about running when I visit here, envisioning lush forests and car-less back roads and open pastures. Turned out to be somewhat less enjoyable. Maybe it was the longer run on Sunday, perhaps it's just my body sensing a break from the rush. Just felt kind of off in way I can't quite pinpoint. Some stiffness in my left foot and lower leg, a few hills tougher than I thought they should've been, and a few wrong turns all combined to dampen my spirits a little. Days like this just happen every now and again and I'm not reading into it too far. 7.2 miles, 55:34.

Today just an easy 4 miles on the treadmill (34:16). Been spending some time stretching and doing various PT exercises for my lower legs and today felt particularly therapeutic (in a good way). The hot tub in my parents' back yard has also been a great way to loosen up and relax a bit.

In somewhat of a surprising turn of events both my parents, Maia, and my sister have all made plans to join me at the start for tomorrow's Turkey Burner 5k. Now we're all not sure about it because of poor weather in the forecast but it would be a family record if we all started. I won't run it if they all decide not to but I'm in if they are. Happy Thanksgiving.

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