Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mathewson Loop

After a decent night sleep I more or less danced out of bed this morning and hopped into my running sneakers. Jogged easily around my neighborhood, into the park for a stretch, and up and down some hills. I'm calling this the Mathewson loop because of the hill along the road by the same name. I hit this hill each day on my bike commute back from Bethesda and it was my first time running it today.

I lost some enthusiam around the 30 min mark when the weight of the past working week (and yesterday's strength routine) began to manifest itself. I did stick it out for the full 5.7 miles, 44:11. That puts me at just over 31 miles for the week in 6 runs, and I'm struck by the realization that it's now been over a full month of consistent running. Fingers crossed that I keep it up. I'm feeling great, all things considered.

I saw the Punch Brothers last night at the Strathmore. Man those boys are tight.

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