Monday, December 20, 2010

Fresh Air

First time I was in Denver was back in 2007 when I ran a 5k on New Year's Eve. I'd never run at this altitude before and I was surprised at how much I was affected by the thinner air. Running wasn't really any more difficult, but I remember gasping at the end of the race, feeling like I just couldn't fill my lungs with enough air. Don't have this issue this time around. Not sure if it's because I've been coming here once or twice a year since then, or that I'm in better shape.

Yesterday night I went for a late evening treadmill run to shake out my flying legs. Just 4 easy miles, 33:20.

Today I found it easy to get up well before the sunrise. I waited til the sun came up, poking around running websites as I sipped my coffee. By the time I headed out I was pretty psyched on some old footage of Rodgers and Shorter. Kept the effort mostly easy along the Cherry Creek canal trail. Threw in 5 strides on the return leg. Stopped at the "fitness room" in the apartment complex here for some core and light lifting exercises. This fresh air feels so good. 6.1 miles, 46:23.

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