Friday, October 29, 2010


Don't have much time so I'll make this short.

Yesterday, five-and-three-quarter miles through Bethesda neighborhoods in the dark. A few things added up to make this run somewhat frantic and mostly unspectacular. First, I forgot my headlamp and was literally running in the dark most of the way. This in tandem with my general unfamiliarity with these streets led me to make a few wrong turns. I wound up on some pretty heavily trafficked throughways more than once. My legs were heavy, my lower legs a little sore, and my right foot acted up a bit. 44 minutes.

This morning, 3.4 easy miles mostly on the treadmill. Foot feels OK today but I've got the sensation that I'm walking a thin line. Nothing I can do but continue to monitor it. 29 minutes.

This morning's run put me at just over 24 miles for the week. I'm further along than I expected but it seems it may be some time before I move very far past this mark.

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