Sunday, October 24, 2010

Almost Perfect

Another bike-and-run this morning. The more I run, the less I want to bike. It's a change that I've been somewhat reluctant to accept. I spent all that time over the summer building up my cycling mileage. But I was expecting to feel a bit lost in this transition. Next year, I think I'll better phase things so I feel good and ready to transition when it's time. Not that I don't feel ready to run. Just less willing to put the park the bike for the fall and winter.

And of course I find myself in another situation where I'm taking a negative angle on things. It's the perfectionist in me.

That part of me was about 99% satisfied with this morning's run, so I'll stop all my whining. It was another out-and-back to Silver Spring along the CCT after locking my bike up at the office. Normally I prefer loops but I like this route because it starts fast (read: downhill), and I struggle to hold that tempo for the second half of the run. It's a fun challenge. One thing that is becoming clear is that while cycling doesn't help you run, it's given me a pretty solid base of cardio to build from. It's the things that take longer, the structural reinforcements, that I have to wait out lest I find myself in trouble again. To me, that translates to keeping the volume moderate for a while, or at least keeping the build on the conservative side. So I didn't add much to last Sunday's run. 7.1 miles, 50:30. Out and back splits were pretty even this time.

Looking for slightly more than 20 this week in four runs, though I'm really tempted to add a fifth. That would mean a short run tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

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