Friday, October 1, 2010

Dahn Tahn (Get Lost)

I'm in Pittsburgh for work today, so instead of riding this morning I planned to run. I knew the hotel would have a treadmill, so that was an option. I also had a suspicion that my co-worker (a hearty soul) would be up and out the door for a run himself. I mentioned it to him yesterday and he invited me to join him. He was planning an hour or so, and I told him I was looking for no more than about 40 min. The plan was to take a tour of Oakland before parting ways when he would head off on his own to scope out a new park he'd reconned. We left at 5:15, and I'd warmed up on the treadmill before meeting him. I felt more like a runner out there than I have I a long time. My foot was stiff but not painful except for a few twinges. It turns out that I should have stuck with Rob because on my way back after splitting up I got lost and ended up with just under an hour anyhow. Feeling OK about that but we'll see what the next few days are like. I'll call it 7 miles conservatively, untimed.

Saw a shooting star just as I realized I'd lost my way, kind of made my morning.

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