Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Long Chase

What a week!

My creative capacity is lacking this evening so I'll cut to the chase.

Monday I thought I would get out for a couple hour ride in the morning but I couldn't get out the door in time. Settled with the bare bones commute (20 miles roundtrip). Tuesday I took my abbreviated winter route straight to the treadmill in Bethesda where I ran for about 30 min, 3.5 miles. Wednesday it was an extended commute along the Arlington Wineglass loop for 27 miles. Climbing at Earth Treks (with Maia!) and was surprisingly not sore afterward (it's been a few weeks). Thursday, same as Tuesday, rode to the gym and ran for 30 min, 3.5 miles. Friday was a bare bones commute again.

Saturday I visited the beautiful green hills of Virginia for one of the most challenging rides I've done in a long while. I don't remember a climb this steep even on this ride back in September 2008. I was fully loaded touring style then, not quite sure how I did 400 loaded miles in 5 days. All things considered, I handled Saturday's ride quite well but the climb up Mt. Weather was humbling for sure. 56 miles, 3:10, and a few thousand feet of climbing.

Today I had to be in the office, unfortunately, but I motivated myself by scheduling a run before any desk work would be attempted. I ran up toward Silver Spring along the CCT with no goals other than to turn around at the 25 minute mark. I surprised myself by negative splitting and covering almost 7 miles. Foot feels better than it has in months. 6.7 miles, 49:40. Absolutely beautiful run. I think it might be a game changer.

So, not nearly as much biking this past week as August and September, but I'm coming to terms with this as I transition back into running/climbing/yoga/etc. I didn't keep track, but I think it was about 150 miles on the bike, 14 miles by foot. I'm closely monitoring my plantar fasciitis but I may have finally caught the break I've been so patiently waiting for. I have an appointment with a podiatrist tomorrow morning to get some advice on preventing a recurrence and maybe having some orthotics molded.

Looking for three runs this week, possibly four if I'm feeling good by Friday.

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