Monday, September 19, 2011

Counting My Blessings

Greetings from Flint, Michigan.  Doing some travel for work, and along with that comes the inevitable interruption of my routine.  Hard to plan for this sometimes, no matter how prepared I think I am.  Long night of planes and automobiles and crappy hotel rooms (someone in close proximity was pulling off a fat blunt all night, and the odor and smoke were permeating my room) last night, poor sleep, and a long ass day on my feet on hard factory floors makes me glad I got any miles in at all this morning.  I'm glad, even though they were boring and slow on a treadmill.  4.1 miles, 35ish minutes.  Thought I'd run this evening.  Haha.  The dogs are barking and the guys are looking to go to happy hour.  I have no choice in the matter the way I see it.

Yesterday was a surprisingly peppy run back in DC before zipping out the door to catch a flight.  Kind of muggy, but a nice run.  6.8 miles, 52:06.  Excellent way to end the week in which I actually managed to eek out just over 70 miles.  Excellent.

I'm definitely feeling the weekend's miles especially after today, and the travel interruption is sitting in the back of my mind as an opportunity to catch up on a little rest this week.  This, coupled with the fact that I don't feel quite as tired as I have after recent big weeks makes me feel like I'm doing something right.  So I'll count my blessings and play it by ear.  Next weekend is a short-run weekend and I'm letting go of any lofty mileage goals.

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