Monday, September 26, 2011

Two Shower Day

Don't have a whole lot of time here as I want to be off to bed soon.  Combining the run and the work commute allows me to sleep in a little later since I gain 30-45 minutes by not having to drive or metro or bike after running.  Pretty good deal, and it's one of the many reasons I've enjoyed incorporating commutes into my routine.  Extra minutes in my day are invaluable lately.

This morning's commute burned bright and hot for the first 20 minutes or so, but after that the weekend caught up to me and it was slow-moving for the rest of the run over the Chevy Chase hills.  Definitely dragging a bit but not all that bad of a Monday morning.  Didn't map it, but somewhere just north of 8 miles, 1:05.

Work dragged on just as the last few miles of my morning run did, and I almost decided to metro home but figured I'd give it a few blocks before bagging the run home.  Glad I stuck it out and wound up finding some pep, much to my surprise.  Felt like I was moving pretty quick toward the end there.  Run ended at the bodega for a chocolate-covered frozen banana.  Probably one of the best things to eat after running home in the damp heat.  6-point-something, 49 minutes.  So that gives me about 15 miles and two showers for the day.  Feeling pretty decent.

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