Monday, September 5, 2011


Have a lot on my mind today but unfortunately not a whole lot of time to write about it here.  Had a pretty great run with Rob in the park this morning along some trails that are becoming more familiar with each pass.  Had today not been a holiday I would have done the run commute both ways, but I've opted to save that for tomorrow.  Feel good enough to want to go out again this afternoon but I'm redirecting my desire for more work into a few other things I've needed to get done.

One of the themes of the conversation this morning was social perceptions of authority, along with expectations of the behaviors and attitudes that go along with persons in positions of power.  Kind of a vague summary but the talk was spurred in part by mention of some family and acquaintances in the law enforcement and corrections fields.  The Stanford prison experiment was referenced.  Not sure where we ended up besides agreeing that individual behaviors are often not simply a reflection of one's character (although that's an important part), but a product of many personal and social factors that are fairly interwoven.  Life's complicated, in other words.

Ran into Stewart and his gang briefly.  Only know him from the few times I've crossed paths with him on the trails, and he's a pretty amicable guy.  Frequently wears gaiters and talks about 50 mile training runs.  I'll save that kind of run for life and death, thank you.  Today he joined us for a mile or so before splitting off.  The Rock Creek trails are unmappable, but I'm calling the 1:05 effort 8 miles today.

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