Saturday, September 17, 2011

Like a Dog in the Dark

Somehow I managed to wake up and get out the door before sunrise this morning. My parents are dog people, and one of the things that goes along with that is that one can never find practical items in their customary locations. For example, I spent 20 minutes looking everywhere for some kind of light I could carry for safety, as I wasn't quite comfortable running on the windy exurban streets in the dark. Couldn't find it anywhere until I looked in the dog closet, where there are literally tens of clip on collar lights for the dogs, who have a tendency of running off into the dark woods. I clipped one to my cap and one to my shorts. Off I went into the morning dew. It was in the 40s to start!

I stashed a gallon jug of water on the side of the road and began the first of three 6.7-mile loops. I focused on staying within an easy effort zone for the first lap, with the expectation that I might pick things up later on. First lap went by in just over 54 minutes.

Second lap was a little quicker and came in at 53 minutes flat. Part of the way into the last loop, which is brutally hilly in some spots, I figured I wouldn't squeeze much more out of my legs. But on the flat final few miles, I must have been cruising along at a low or sub-7 minute clip. Got the final lap down to 52:40. 

So just like a dog in the dark, I got my long run ya ya's out. 21 miles, 2:44:26. 

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