Thursday, March 27, 2008

Biding My Time

Warmed up with some strides and stretches, off by 5:20 or so. Ran about 200 m in the wrong direction, turned around and started over. I was all psyched to revisit last week’s tempo workout, but for some reason I’d gotten confused about where the route started. I vowed to keep a steadier pace than last week, where I started slower and built gradually. It was windier then. Today was perfect, mid-40s, not much wind.

Warmup, then hit the first mile in…what? 6:03? Can’t be right, especially since the first split is uphill. This sort of threw me off for the next few min, although when the second split came in at 7:27 I realized that I’d hit the split button on my watch too soon in the 1st mile. OK, easy math, average 6:45 for 2 miles. I focused on keeping the pace steady through downtown, and finished the 4 tempo miles in 27:02. This works out to almost exactly 6:45 average, which is slower than last week. I think this is alright, since my goal for these workouts isn’t really to race, but to keep a consistent effort. On this front today’s attempt was better than the last, but I still look forward to improvement. The futility of even splits on an unmarked course will probably lead me to settle for less than I would on a track. I guess I'll be disappointed if that 27:02 doesn't creep slowly downward over the next month, but I'm trying to be patient. Legs feel strong, no pain, tightness in left hip still improving. 7 in 52:02.

[3 x 25 pushups, 3 x 25 situps, 3 x 15 lateral leg lifts, 3 x 15 “donkey kicks,” 3 x 15 piriformis lifts, 3 x 10 single-leg squats, various stretches]

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