Tuesday, March 11, 2008


‘Twas the right morning for riding. Last night I adjusted my new saddle and packed some spare clothes into a single pannier. Had the idea that it would take me about 1 ½ hours to get to Wayne along this meandering route. Set off a little before 7, and it’s strange that it’s once again pretty dark at this hour. I’ve ridden most of the roads along this route before, and I remember that a few stretches can be kind of treacherous because of the traffic. I was glad to cross over Kelly Drive and onto the path. Slight headwind, but I found a comfortable cadence and cruised along at just over 16 mph.

Through Manayunk, I thought about hitting the Canal Tow Path, but decided instead to stick to the streets for the sake of a smoother ride. I worked up Umbria St, which is mostly uphill, and was glad to dip down to the river basin and find the Valley Forge trail. Now I zone out, ride straight ahead, enjoying an eclectic mix a la Dylan and ‘Trane. I see two runners separately to my surprise. Far way out to be on foot.

Once I cross the river in Conshohocken I see that I’ve been moving along at the same pace as the traffic on I-76. Glad I’m not up there today. Matson Ford Rd is not as bad as I remember it, still some winter debris along the shoulder. Hit Upper Gulph, and I start to think that I may well have chosen the absolute hilliest route possible. I get out of the saddle for a few of the steepest stretches but mostly I’m just steady spinning. Start to worry that I underestimated the time it would take me to get to Wayne.

Finally turn off Upper Gulph around the Valley Forge Military Academy and I’m through the toughest climbs, now the hills are rolling. Not too much later I see the Strafford train station and I’ve reached my destination in 1:29:27. Not bad. Would’ve only been here 15 minutes sooner had I driven or trained it.

My legs are nice and loose, and I think this ride was helpful in quelling some residual soreness from Sunday. I can’t wait for the leaves to bloom.

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