Monday, March 24, 2008

Of Mice and Bed

A damn mouse kept me awake last night. I'd worked up quite a sleep deficit last week and all that eating yesterday left me looking forward to some solid shut-eye. To top this off, I was apparently making clucking sounds in my dormant state.

Amidst this weirdness, and considering that Mondays are my rest days, these reasons were enough to convince me that sleeping in was what I needed today. Maybe I'll try my usual Monday yoga after work today.

Monday Recap

3/17 - AM yoga
3/18 - 5.25 mi/45:59, stretch/core
3/19 - 6 mi/46:12
3/20 - 5.4 mi/45:00, PM yoga
3/21 - 7 mi/51:55 (4 mi tempo), stretch/core
3/22 - 5.2 mi/45:40, AM yoga
3/23 - 10 mi/1:24:37, stretch

Just about 39 miles for the week in 5:19:23, 8:13 average pace. Slightly higher mileage than last week but still moderate. I like that instead of all moderate intensity runs (like last week), I buffered harder efforts between lots of easier runs. I'm comfortable with this mileage for a while, building to 45 or so before I run Broad St in May. 6 weeks till then should include tempo runs and some long intervals, periodic (but sparse) hill repeats.

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