Saturday, March 1, 2008

Three Quarters

Yoga this morning left me feeling warm and nimble, though the plague still lingers. After three days of complete rest (well, I rode to the dentist yesterday, ~5 mile round trip) I decided that I felt well enough for a short run. I envisioned 6 miles today, maybe 10 tomorrow.

Half-mile out the door the legs were warmed up, I was smiling. Took it real easy. Wind was slightly distracting, but the sun felt nice. I was perhaps a bit overdressed. The best I can describe the run is that it didn't feel bad, but it didn't feel entirely good either. I had to hold myself back from steering towards the Ben Franklin Bridge, and I forced myself to turn around early. Still need a bit of rest. Since I'm feeling about 75% recovered, I settled for three quarters of my planned distance. 4.5 miles in 38:50. Average HR a bit high, 156, reflecting my illness. The left knee grew a bit stiff, so I iced it.

On Wednesday, when I came down with this bug, we happened to venture into Renaissance times in my architecture history class. Wouldn't you know that we spent a good 30 minutes discussing the Florentines' resilience and tenacity during the Black Death, a period when Florence lost 3/4 of it's population to the plague. In spite of this, visionaries such as da Vinci, Donatello, and Brunelleschi flourished. At least I don't have bubos.

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